Wytec Management Assembles Advisory Board to Direct Technology Advancements
SAN ANTONIO, TX, Aug. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire – Wytec International (Wytec), a leading developer and integrator of 5G technologies, is assembling an Advisory Board to advance the development of its patented LPN-16 Small Cell technology.
This follows Wytec’s announcement on April 28th, 2023, of a Multi-Phased Master Service Agreement with Trabus Technologies (www.trabus.com) to upgrade Wytec’s patented LPN-16 Small Cell (https://wytecintl.com/technology/lpn-16-small-cell/) to include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technology. The advanced integrated platform will support quick deployment of multiple IoT applications such as improved in-building cellular services, active shooter sensing technology, remote learning, and more. The bundled solution will dramatically reduce costs while enabling an IoT infrastructure.
To accelerate the Company’s technology advancements, management has appointed Robert Sanchez as the Company’s Interim CTO and a key member of the new Advisory Board. As CTO, Sanchez has been directing and will continue to direct, the Trabus team with its development of Wytec’s AI/Blockchain advancements, while coordinating with the Denton Law Firm to ensure Wytec’s IP is protected. Another significant role for Sanchez will be assisting in the roll out of Wytec’s upcoming Pilot Projects involving multiple school districts and municipalities.
“I am very excited to be working with Wytec in this new venture involving the protection of our youth and safety of America’s cities. Wytec’s new technology is “world-class” and deserves every bit of the level of attention that management is providing,” said Sanchez, following his appointment as Wytec’s Interim CTO.
Mr. Sanchez is a distinguished authority in the technology industry. With four decades in the business, Sanchez has held esteemed positions including a Senior Director position with Qualcomm, CEO and President of Globaltel Media, CTO with AppTech Corporation, and he was Co-Founder and Chief Architect of inCode Wireless. He attained a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from University of California in San Diego (UCSD), a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in Communications Theory from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (USC), and he has an Honorary PhD in Humanities from Ramon Magsaysay Technological University (RMTU) in the Philippines.
To learn more about participating in Wytec’s 5G Pilot Project Partnership, visit https://wytecintl.com/partner/, or contact Wytec at info@wytecintl.com or 888-284-4531.
About Wytec
Wytec International, Inc. is a San Antonio, Texas, based telecommunications company that owns two patents related to the deployment of 5G “secured” private networks. Wytec designs and deploys wireless networks and public safety solutions with an emphasis on municipalities and school districts and was named a Best Tech Startup in San Antonio four times due to factors including: Revenue potential, Leadership team, Brand/product traction, and Competitive landscape. To learn more about Wytec, visit www.wytecintl.com or follow us on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/wytec-international.